TOS/AUP: reserves the right to terminate any VPS for the following:
– Legal issues arising from illegal materials being hosted on the VPS
– Legal issues arising from illegal activities performed by the VPS
– Abuse of the server or network (examples would include exceeding CPU limits, using more than 500Mbit for 12 hours, exceeding allowed RAM limit) allows the following:
– Full usage of the 2TB bandwidth in any manner
– Full usage of the 4GB provided RAM (that means Minecraft!)
– Full usage of disk and fair use IO resources
– Fair use of the VPS in general. Use your brains folks, if it seems more than fair use, you probably shouldn’t do it.
Privacy policy:
– This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information. Any personal information received will only be used to fill your order. We will not sell or redistribute your information to anyone. !